Explorer is a word that can take almost indefinite meanings. Everybody is an explorer in his or her own way. An explorer can be a man or a woman who explore for the first time each other's body while making love. An explorer can be the child who makes its first steps to reach his or her mother's hand. I really like this word because it invokes my imagination process which can generate a world of meanings. In French we say: "UNE IMAGE VAUT MILLE MOTS!" which can be translated in English as:"AN IMAGE IS A THOUSAND WORDS!". Now I just realized that I can reverse it if I want to built a richer meaning for every word I met: "A WORD IS A THOUSAND STORIES!" And this is also a way to interpret the meaning of the word explorer which hides a thousand stories. I like the concept of an iceberg; your first perception of a word is only superficial. Your imagination is the diver who goes deep under the water to explore the hidden part of the iceword and that's how one can really learn a language.
goooooooood picture, i like it~~
wow, an iceberg, that's a good example man... anyway, I like the sentence from French, it is true that an image always has a meaning and it can be described in many words.
I like your twist on the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words". I like to think that I am a kind of grammar explorer . . . check out my lastest blog on "although" and "but"
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