Monday, March 24, 2008

Art and Entertainment

What is Art? I think real Art is the one done without any materialist motivations. For personal pleasure or to achieve something greater than oneself and which will help people know more about themselves and the universe. For me Art must make people vibrate; When a person gets chickenpox whether listening to a song, watching a movie, or contemplating a painting, Art is really acting. Painting: in our fast paced society, saturated with images of all kind, we never really let our eyes linger or meditate on a work of art more than a few seconds. In this era of visual fast-food consumption, it's easy to become a passive observer who look at images after images without getting really deep in its meaning. Art is something to be watch closely, in detail and in a almost meditative pace if someone wants to become critical and articulate about it. I think that art is a philosophic quest. The intention behind any art work is the most important criterion and define art by itself. What I'm trying to say is that if the main motif of an "artist" is to make money, then his work can't be art. Art must be concerned by a higher ideals. A never-ending quest toward the unknown. Similar to the philosopher who ask questions to the world with his or her writings, artists' songs, poetry, sculptures, paintings, or dances, are big ? put there to make people reflect on the meaning of their lives.

1 comment:

joanna said...

Your words about art is philosophic too.